Monday, March 9, 2009

"Quote Me"

Here's some stats given from the New York Times article "Weighing Nondrug Options for A.D.H.D." June 2007.

"2.5 million kids take stimulant drugs for attention and hyperactivity problems. But concerns about side-effects have prompted many parents to look elsewhere. As many as two-thirds of children with A.D.H.D. have used some form of alternative treatment."

Why the hell, then, are these kids put on these drugs in the first place?
They suggest simple things like diet change, herbal therapy, vitamins, yoga and massage. The article states these treatments show promise, but there is not enough studies to help parents realize alternatives should be used first, and probably exclusively. They just have to sit there and suffer in question, (after their child has been detrimentally diagnosed) when the "Food and Drug Administration ordered in 2006 that stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta [must] carry warnings of risk for sudden death, heart attacks and hallucinations in some patients."


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