Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day After St. Patrick's

I wish that there were more days, with more reasons, to experience life to some kind of standardized yet ultimate degree. Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, and it began with taking a remarkably open and uplifting turn, as I ended up going with a bunch of fellow classmates into town, to kick off the celebrations.

We were excused from our everyday requirements. And socializing for hours in front of a Starbucks with fellow classmates that I loosely associated with was more valuable then the time I had spent with them all year . On that day, we were given time to breathe and just be ourselves, in the raw, with no worries about anything for at least an hour, and speak to one another openly about anything that was true to us. How nice it was.


Here are some interesting new finds. Although the Washington Post is probably going under, Kaplan Inc. is its subsidiary. You know those new commercials for Kaplan University? Well, I decided to invest in the Washington Post's stock because of Kaplan Inc.'s new "Talent Campaign." I think its going to be the most successful campaign for education yet. Take a look at a couple of their commercials.

"The world needs more talent than ever, yet it's being wasted everyday, by an educational system steeped in tradition and old ideas... It's time to realize that talent isn't just in schools like this one. It's everywhere...[We're going to] learn how you learn so we can teach you better."

This is the revolution we are all looking for. A.D.H.D. falls into the category of "tradition and old ideas." Western medicine has, for years, simply masked the symptoms of our disorders, pumping us with drugs and reversing our abilities to heal ourselves. True health comes from the inside out, and not the other way around.

Happy St. Patricks Day everybody.

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