Monday, March 9, 2009

*** Why this and not that, it's like that and like this ya'll.

Why did I choose to bring ADHD to such light? What about eating disorders, what about cosmetic surgery and body image, what about fast food and brain washing advertisements, sexism, domestic violence, capitalism. Why not talk about all these other things that seem to be like poison to the very spirit people are endowed with at birth.

Because I am currently up against the Information Age of America, where information is available to you rapidly, wholly and biastly. And, the underlying efforts of it all, are for us to "Keep up! Keep up!" But, what we forget is that, only a few people are at the forefront of these technological advancements. Only a few, fast-paced, forward thinking, geniuses are running the WORLD's technological advancements. And the difference between our geniuses today, and those of yesterday like Einstein, is that Einstein didn't have a direct link to the rest of the world (the internet) informing people instantly of all his current developments.

SO now, before we even know if our information is correct, we know about it. And they are telling us, "Keep up! KEEP UP!!" And, I'll be damned if I'm going to allow myself to accept that people are being called Attention Deficit, or Attention Deficit Hypertensive, when they aren't even being given the time themselves to decide whether the information they're getting is right or not, or even of real interest to them. There's only a few crazy ass, genius people running the information flow, setting trends of speed, information overload and nothing but analytics.

And I'll be damned if you think that drugs like Adderal are OK to help you reach these inhumane goals of total comprehension, of all work no sleep days, of information on top of information on top of information.

You're good enough to absorb and flow with the world the way you want to . You are good enough to take life at your own pace. You're good enough to live life the way you want to, without people telling you that you need drugs to keep up. PARENTS!!!! Get this message, because you're kids are in your hands. These drugs hurt your kids. We're talking long-term memory loss. We're talking heart murmurs. Not just irritability, and difficulty sleeping. We're talking having your child peaking 3 times a day like they just took a hit off a Meth-Pipe with some crack head genius in the back alley of the internet. No drugs to "keep up." NO DRUGS TO KEEP UP!!!!

Ok, so I'm really trying hard to be serious, and not fill this with mindful sentiments, because I'm no preacher. But, here's the intro of the George Lucas film, THX 1138. It's so strange, it’s so bizarre. I couldn't watch the movie in its entirety, and I only recommend it if you have the stomach for out of this world thinking that’s very, VERY far-fetched. It disturbed me, but is one of the greatest representations of the modern world's push to keep us "Keeping up."

It's weird, right? And the movie goes on to show the lives of mindless clones working in this futuristic plantation who eat sedatives and mush for every meal, so they don't question the life they're sacrificing for whoever these invisible people are, running it. Sounds pretty friggin familiar to me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad someone is finally talking some sense into people, you go Rain!
